Saturday, March 15, 2014


Żė Ȼƌ2 M+CD

The second CD for this amazing serie! Himi and Genma-sama are the main characters! Can their relationship began forcefully became a true love story???

是 -ZE-
Mangaka: Shimizu Yuki
Company: Shinshokan
Main Paring:
Miyake Kenta (Genma) x Hirakawa Daisuke (Himi)

Żė Ȼƌ 2 M+CD:

1  -  2   -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6  -  7  - 9


  1. Love this manga. I truly admire ur work.

  2. this pairing is one of the toughest to read/listen to for me. thanks for doing this. :D i am looking forward to more ze!!!



  3. I m sorry but I watched it on dailymotion. Really sorry to bother u a lot

    1. What do you mean???Sorry but I don't understand what you are trying to say...????

  4. Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Just the first part of CD2 and it's already so hot?! XD wow! Can't wait to see the story behind this pairing! I hope it's not an emotional one (>д<)

  5. Finished it yesterday night. Loved it!!
    The only thing i wished they showed more of was the 'present day'. Genma is so protective of him and love each other so much which is nice to see because they have been together for 16 years. By the way, present day Genma looks so hot, even though he is about 36.
    Can't wait for the next cd which i think GenmaxHimi guest star in so i might get my wish haha

  6. when is the part for shoui and asari will be coming out?btw great job

  7. I have a problem playing.. "video hasbeen terminated" umhh i want to watch this so bad


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