"THINGS TO DO" (in arriving order):
Chiisana koi no melody - Ayu / Charlie 
Mujihi na karada - Ayu  (already done somewhere else)
Brother x Brother - Scarlet
Terebi-kun no Kimochi - Diana Suàrez Cazalla
Tsuyogari - Kami

Virgin Star - Lucia Verdeblue

Sentimental Garden Lover - jgrey
Mujihi na Otoko - Marlene (already done somewhere else)
Hana to usagi- (already donesomewhere else)
Mauri to ryuu-
Kozure ookami (+sequel Ookami No Ketsuzoku) - Minyaré and Fluffy Kitty

Kimi ga Koi ni Oboreru - drax frankom*
Hey Class President - Himawari Hima and Lala (already done somewhere else)
Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla - Micchix and TJ and Cucuslucus (already done somewhere else)

Kemono wa Ai de, Iyasareru, Junai no Seinen, Oboreru Kemono no Koibito - Ellie
Free Punch - Light
Toshigoro no Otokonoko to Are - Aillice
Mou Ichido Nande Demo - Wes Baker
Itadakimasu, gochisousama - himemitsu & Shayla


 :iconluvluvplz:      +Cold Blood 's LIST:

If you know that some of the requestes are already made, please help us sending an email here with the title of the manga! And we will consider if remove it or not from our future works!Thank you sooooo much!
P.S. please dont ask where you can find them, the last time I shared here someone else videos, her account was terminated! So, thanks to these people, you have to find the already made ones by yourserlf! It's not so difficut tho... it only need time and will! If u really will, u will find them for sure! Thank you for the understanding and cooperation!


Please DO NOT share my videos. NO sharing through Dailymotion/Youtube/ upload anywhere etc...The only place where they have to stay is HERE...These stories are considered ADULT in nature and will contain explicit content in regards to male x male relationships. If you find homosexual relationships offensive OR if you are not of legal viewing age in your area, please do not view them. THANK YOU!


  1. Hi Roby,,I love your blog and thank you for your hard work to upload BL manga+drama cd for all yaoifangirls around the world,here's I would like to request,,please upload BL manga+drama cd either renai a la carte or sweet ano amaiamai aji,,once more thank you foryour hard work ^^

    1. Hi! Yes I've read this manga and I like them so no problem I will do what I can.... By the way for the next requests you should fill the part above when you read: name,email and message...ok???? :)
      Keep in touch!!!!

    2. Hi Roby-san!
      First, Thankyou for every thing you made, and can you please do Doushitemo Furetakunai??

    3. Hi my dear anonymous! That manga is a very good choise...a bit long (2 CDs for 18 tracks in total...)
      I'm working on an older request now and I have already planned the next 2 projects.. but I will consider doing it right after....SORRY....if I will not able to please you right now.... :(

    4. It's ok :) I just wish somebody can finish this project, cause someone on daily motion has made like... a little bit of it... Which I want to read more... So I came to my only hope Roby-san. But thank you for the projects you had made :) No matter what project it is, I always watch it~
      I'm your big Anonymous fan ^^ Or you can call me Kyo-chan next time!

    5. Thank you Kyo-chan!!! I love that manga too...We don't need to rush...I will make videos for it!!! :)

  2. Thank you robyyy,,,^^
    I tried to fill the part above for request,but failed,,sorry
    And thank you for your hard work,,^^

    1. :) From monday evening...For you <3 Kiss

    2. Anyway do you failed cause it's my blog that doesn't work???? Let me know so I'll try to fix it....
      Thank you!!!

  3. Kyaaaaa,,,thank you,arigatou,selamat,terima kasih,kamsahanida,I'am soooo happy you know,wish I can see you and give you big hug q(^-^q)

  4. I really thankful that I can see your blog,all your videos always give my day after long day working,time to relax are to visit your blog,,I'll keep your blog and add to my bookmark^^

  5. hey Roby, what's up? I hope you are doing well. hikhik. I seriously love your work. :). Btw, I have a request to make. Can you please make video for Mujihi Na Anata and Sugar Code, please?? I am dying to watch the manga+cd drama after reading the manga.

    1. Hi my dear friend! I'm fine thanks!!!And you??? I've already raw materials (manga+drama cd) for both of your requests...They are really good choice....You have good tastes :))
      I havent't problems with doing them but I have to finish scarlet before and one older request...So please remind me when the next project after Scarlet will be finished...because it will be yur turn ok???
      Kisses!!!! :)

    2. kyyaaaaaa..I'm good here. stressful life just gone as I entered your blog..hikhik. okay..finish what you have to finish 1st. first come first serve! anyway, scarlet is great too! tumbs up for you! :)

    3. Happy to read it!!!Really happy!!! Kiss :d

  6. There's already a completed Manga+Drama CD for 17 SAI NO HISOKA NA YOKUJOU on Dailymotion uploaded by SarahTsuda! :D And also there's a completed Manga+ Drama CD for Mujihi Na Anata on Dailymotion uploaded by TheCheshireCatSmile5. So i don't recommend Roby to repeat the same project :)

  7. mujihi na anata is already in dailymotion but it is complete yet...the video is hanging and im looking forward for you, Roby to complete them. please roby, i beg you my dear. :'(

  8. MUJIHI NA ANATA it is NOT complete yet..there are still few pages of the manga which does not appear to be created as manga+cd drama.

  9. thank you for your hard work... i'm hoping you could also do the second part of daigo and kirishima's romance, Junai no Seinen...

    thank you! :)

  10. Hi luffy-schatz, yes I didn't know there was a second part...Thanks for telling me!!!! ;)
    Yes then I'll do it if there isn't an already made project!!!! Kisses!!

  11. Hello, Roby-san!

    Hajimemashite, I'm Kami desu! I've been visiting your blog for a while now and I decided to leave a comment leveraging the new year. I hope you spent a nice holidays~!

    Also, thank you very much for your effort. I really, really love all your projects, they're orgasmically awesome! I would suggest you some mangas and see if you can get them for our enjoyment!

    Let's start!

    Samejima-kun to Sasahara-kun.
    Puchitto Hajiketa
    Hidoku Shinaide

    And that's it~ I hope you keep in mind my requests. These are my favorite manga and I know they having Drama CD, but unfortunately I could only listen Hidoku Shinaide. But the videos were removed, so sad~! TTOTT I really love this because Takuma Terashima plays the seme/tachi rol and his deep voice is so adldadksdlskdñkskd, I love him! *7*

    Hoping you are well, I say goodbye. I will keep stalking you and cheering you. Gambatte Roby-san! Never give up! You make very happy a lot of girls who love yaoi like me! Bye, bye~ o/

  12. Hi Roby - Sama :D Happy New Year ^__^
    I think 17 SAI NO HISOKA NA YOKUJOU it's already done with SarahTsuda in Dailymotion

  13. It's senna! I surfed the Internet! Of course by Korean site, hehehe. but works are all Japanese. It's easier to find.

    shinayakana netsujou / shizukani kotobawa yureteiru - sakiya haruhi
    henai prince - narazaki neneko
    La satanica... nono, It's not. It is already edited..
    name of love - miyamoto kano

    If they're already edited, let me know, I'll find other manga. I think they're kinda new manga compared to others. and I became to know something, finding them. Unlike Japanese drama cd, Korean drama cd's running time is so long... hohoho... I didn't know there are 31 tracks in totally captivated, XD............ too long!

    P.S. even I didn't read them. hoho.... but bloggers highly prized them.

    1. Hi Senna!!! Genki!?!??! Hope u are doing great with your life! You surely will be busy with work! Probably u forgot about me but... here I am! Bothering u hihihihih! Not sure this comment will reach u but if yes please contect me at dramadreamingmanga@gmail.com!
      It's important and I truly hope u will do!

  14. Hi Roby! I actually have most of the videos in your request list in my pc.. (view,hidoku,honto,ubawareru,katekyo,crimson) Because my internet is not stable, streaming gets stuck n that is not very enjoyable ;P .. so i usually copy them to my pc and then watch.. They are mostly from Fluffy.. and other channels that does not exists anymore :( so now, should i share them via my Dropbox/GoogleDrive to our dear friends here ? I won't reupload.. just sharing my drive.. Is it ok ? I don't know.. Let me know ya :)

  15. @Rin: you can do what your heart desire but me as well....I edit videos to relax so I'll continue doing it even if all of them are already done....I think that in this way it's like I'm here for no reason....what's the plaesure in this???

  16. oh noooooo... Roby... i'm so soooo sorry.. I didn't mean to make u sad.... i'm just trying to help you out.. coz i remember a comment saying u'll do the video if there isn't an already made project... i'm really really sorry... i feel so bad when i read that u are sad... :( i always love reading ur blog every day after a long day at work... and i really appreciate u spending ur free time by sharing ur passion with us... oh Roby... how can i make it up to u ???

  17. @Senna: thank you and keep helping me!!!!Good advices!!!!
    @Rin: Don't worry, it was nothing....Maybe I was in a bad mood while reading it...GOMEN....

  18. Dear Roby San, are you going to make a new request list ? If you do, will it be in a numerical order or an alphabetical order? Or in a mood order? :-)

  19. Dear Usagi Chan no I'm not. I mean I'll simply put every new request one after another....In arriving order and I'' delete those already made by me or another videomakers...

  20. Hello Roby, just to inform you that there's a on-going project for 'Lovers Doll' uploaded by OTKLover on Dailymotion :D

  21. Dear Roby .. can i request samejima-kun to sasahara kun?

  22. Dear Roby .. can i request samejima-kun to sasahara kun?

  23. Helloooo :))) It's been a while again.. :'D But i would like to make a request if I can :) Yesterday I found I really good manga, but I dont no if it has a drama cd... I have to check it.. But anyways the manga is "Sore ni Shinken nan desu" by Asou Kai. I totally fell in love with this!! Im so so so so sad that it ended.. I think im going to find Asou Kai and.......... ok, i have to stop xD But anyways please do this manga someday if it has a drama cd!! OR if you havent read it please do so!!! Arigatou :))

  24. Hi Rita! Of course you can make a request...!!!!But sadly the project you suggested haven't got a drama cd.....(I read it a long time ago...so I didn't remember it well)..btw I here if you have other ideas!!! Bye!!

    Dear Ajeng! Sorry for the late answer....you aren't the first who ask me doing it...I think I saw it whne Fluffy made it, but I didn' t like it so much...I mean it was ok....but nothing special...I've read manga a lot more cool of it that sadly haven't a drama cd ....Haven't you got a second choice????Let me know!!!!

  25. Okayyyy :( I also tried to find drama cd for it but i couldn't find any :( i hoped that you had a better luck.. Well anyways there is also "Kakusei Shigansha" but i didnt find drama cd for that either.. Bad luck I guess :D

  26. Hello Roby, i'm just here to inform you that Fluffy-sama reuploaded her project 'Puchitto Hajiketa' and 'Elektel Delusion' on youtube already! :) And Asagiultimatelover already started working on 'Viewfinder' series, you can find it on her blog and it's still on-going. And also there's already an on-going for 'Honto Yajuu' on Dailymotion uploaded by OTKLover! Hope these helps! <3

  27. Hello Roby!

    I wanted to request sotsugyousei and Kyuuso Wa Cheese No Yume Wo Miru drama cd's please.

    Thanks so much for all your hard work it is greatly appreciated.

  28. AsagiUltimateLoverMarch 7, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    Hello Roby! I didn't think to check projects I were doing to see if they were on your list but I started the Viewfinder series (since it's one of the drama cd sets I already have). ^-^ Honestly, I need to catch up with your wonderful blog...being between college and managing my own blog and doing videos is very hard (and time consuming) so I want to let you know the great job you are doing! I wish I could make videos as fast as you can but we are not all as talented as you ;D Thank you so much for your work!

  29. Dear Asagi,
    Thanks for the compliments but you don't have to check here to start something....I simply put here people's requests but this doesn't mean that I have the exclusive....I think we make videos for fun...we haven't got a written contract!!!! I don't do other videomakers' ongoing project in order to respect their effort...(like you said make videos is very hard and time consuming) so if I'm aware that a request is already made or started, I simply don't do it...except if it is a manga I truly love...
    Sorry I talk too much, I know! Friends often tell me that!, I want to thank you for your concern and sensibility but we are free to do what our heart wants...!!! Kisses!!!! And work hard!!!!

  30. Dear Roby, you can delete my request "Waruiko Demo Ii?" Because I just found out that it was already made by Sabrina S on Dailymotion. Keep up the good work :-)

  31. @Usagi Chan: Really??? I didn't know....It's a pity...I had already edited two parts....too bad....then ask me more if you want ok???

  32. Roby-san ~
    Can you do Saezuru tori wa habatakanai?
    I like that manga :D
    Onegaishimasu Roby-san <3

  33. Yes, Dear Roby. I just found out that day, so I instantly remember that I asked you to make the video. I'm sorry for the late info, you already made some of them :-( I'm sorry, if I knew before, I wouldn't ask you to do it....
    Really? Sure I would like another drama cd + manga, but I haven't decide as you need the drama cd for the videos. There are a lot of manga that I like, but I haven't find the drama cd. When I found a drama cd list, there's no manga for it...

  34. Dear Roby San, there are new requests from me 1. Mayonaka No Oyatsu by Kanda Neko, the same writer with Puchitto Hajiketa. I found the link to its drama cd but I don't know if it's working or not http://fujoshisworld.blogspot.com/2013/03/mayonaka-no-oyatsu.html?zx=1313646e8e3f56e5. 2. Hitorijime Theory by Kitakami Ren. http://www.mediafire.com/download/4jkgtmjrkkm/Hitorijime+Theory.rar
    Luv your new projects especially Crimson Spell!! I watched Puchitto Hajiketa when Fluffy was still as productive as you. Thanks & keep up the good work!!

  35. Ciao, Roby, I'm senna, I've been thinking about it, Cuz you seem to have many requests but I think it's better to say it although you cannot. I have a favor to ask for you, I was wondering If you could edit 'after 10 hours, after 9 hours' written by yoneda kou, It's about onoda and deguchi and onoda appeared in doushitemo furetakunai, that one who becomes to love shima after shima and togawa started to date. I saw its drama cd(I just can't listen it), but I don't know there are other drama cds, because there are other stories about them. iro no aru sekai(the colorless world), yasashii uso wa minoranai, soredemo yasashii koi wo suru... I've been trying to find drama cd, but I couldn't! and, It's killing me over and over. plus, there is no translated manga, yes, I can read it, but English isn't my language so I can't fully understand due to difference of nuance in language. you know, so I translated it, but it's not natural. as a result, I was wondering If you could edit them. I don't mind If you reject and I will be so grateful and pleased If you do that. I'm waiting for your answer. Thank for everything you did, Roby! kisses!! buona notte(wow, I think I have a good memory.)

  36. Hi Roby-san!
    Kyo-chan desu!
    I know I just commented in the chat box a while ago but now I switched to the Ipod~
    And I also know that I just sented you a message of my request, but I was afraid that you didn't get it... :(
    So I'm gonna write it here again :)
    My request is "Love Stage" and "Back Stage", I think they are a series...
    Love Stage is animated and will be coming maybe next week or so~
    But I really want to see the manga and drama cd of it being put together :3
    I don't know if there is a drama cd for it or not (I wish there is) and I also don't know where to find... T^T
    So... this is my request.... and if there's no drama cd then it's okay :')
    Have a nice... night(?)... It's night here so ~=w=~

  37. Hi, Roby!
    Thank you very much for all of the amazing videos you've made! *bows deeply*
    There's a question I want to ask though. Will you be doing Sex Pistols CD Vol.4?
    Once again, thank you! :D


  38. Hi Roby! :D

    Thank you for all the hard work! :D I am a big fan of yaoi and i love all of your works :)
    I hope that you can make videos for viewfinder because the one you mentioned in the list only made the first part and i really like that series

    Thank you :D

  39. thank you roby chan my request is really in your project plan...thank you so much

  40. no plans to do saezuru tori wa habatakanai ? this one is amazing I already read the manga multiple times and but still I'd like to enjoy it again as a manga+dramaCD+your amazing editing

  41. @J-K: Yeah, it's an amazing request! Alot of people asked me for it!!! I was waiting until this manga will be completely translated, sadly it's still an ongoing one, so I don't want to leave a project into the halfway and wait I don't know how much for the releases, it 'd make me crazy.... I have got the drama however!!! ;)

  42. hey there thanks you for your hard on all of the drama cds + manga edits. I was wondering if you were gonna make videos on Totally Captivated or not...

    - yehet xoxo

  43. Hi there! I just wanted to thank you for your hard work on all of these drama cds + manga. And I was wondering if you could do one for Datte Maou-sama Kare Ga Kirai. I love this manga, and I wonder if you have read it or not!

  44. please! i want more manga for kazuyuki okitsu,please!

  45. I can't find viewfinder anywhere ... ;_;

  46. me to tried looking for it with mafyland and asagiultimatelover, but only found one chapter that was made one year ago. there alot of them on you tube and dailymotion but no cd track. i love viewfinder, it s my favorite.

  47. hi Roby, love your blog, it s amasing!!! would you reconsider doing viewfinder, but i know it would a long projet, with 52 chapters so far, please let me know. thank you.

  48. @mireille clavette : I want to do it but I'm looking for the version with Kuroda Takaya as Asami character since the beginning of the manga/drama when I'll find it I'll edit the whole serie!!!!

  49. hello!! Thank you for all your hard work! Can I request the drama cd + manga for choco strawberry vanilla? Thank you~

    1. Hello! Thanks for contacting me but I think this manga you requested is already edited... try looking for it on youtube or dailymotion!!!

  50. thanks Roby your great!!!, looking foward to it!

  51. Hello! Thank you very much for all the projects that you've done. Can I request the manga + drama cd of the continuation of Ten Count, the Warui Series, the Kuroneko Kareshi Series (Asobikata, Amaekata, Nakasekata, Itoshikata & Afurekata), Junjou Romantica and also the Sekaiichi Hatsukoi? Thank you so much! I'll be looking forward to all your projects in the future! ����

    1. This is MM-chan desu! Sorry for not initially indicating my name in my request :)

  52. hi,i love your blogs,you make my day happy,thank you Roby san. i have a Request to make, i like to see {Kimi ga Koi ni Oboreru} by{ takanaga hinako} きみが恋に溺れる.by 高永ひなこ in Drama cd plz

    1. Hiii drax! Thanks really for your support! your request is great! A lot of people asked me that! I have only a favor to ask for! I remember someone told me it was already edited, can you try checking if the vds are still online? If they are please enjoy those already done, if not let me know and i'll put your request into "things to do" ok?

  53. Hi i found this blog today but i think ive seen may of your videos already :P Can you can do more of Kondo Takashi's uke?? Do i need to make a request?

    1. Hiiii! Well, i'm happy you found my blog! But if even many videos you didn't feel the curiosity and look for me before it may means they aren't so well done! Maybe i don't deserve a fan like you! And maybe i'm not good enough to grant your requests! ;)
      Have a nice day! Bye bye!

  54. hi thank you for replies, i cant find {Kimi ga Koi ni Oboreru} by{ takanaga hinako} きみが恋に溺れる , i have to make a requests agen sorry.. . but i love thes, plz,put it in your ''thing to do''

    1. Hiiii! Ok! Thanks for checking for me! It means a lot of time saved! ;) Then I'm adding this good project! <3

    2. ありがとうございます thank you , i can not wait!!

  55. hi Roby, i talk to you about a year ago and asked about making viewfinder, i looked for it, it was marked that it was made by mafyland and asagiultimatelover,but i still can find it with them, just want to know if you still want to do it, cause the last time we talked you said you were waiting for the cd of the original voice of asami. thank you for your hard work!!!!

    1. Hi mireille, I've already started editing it! Sadly I didn't find the cast with the seyuu I wanted but I'll share it very soon, for a near celebration.... so you all know....!!!

    2. thank you!! can t wait to see it, one of my favorite manga.

  56. Hi! Could you do Hana wa Saku ka??? :)

    1. Hiii! Thanks for requesting! I haven't read the manga yet, but after seeing your request I ckecked for its drama CD. well, I think it's a very long project 24 tracks in total! I'll read the manga (coz I like that mangaka!) and I'll tell you right after finish it! ok?!

  57. Hi Roby, i just wanted to know in your, things to do , if you wanted to know those who are already made by others, if not, im sorry to have bottered you.

    1. Hi Mireille, of course I want to know, I simply put here requestes made by fans, I don't know if they are edited or not, I only suppose that for asking them, it means they aren't around... Just tell me which ones, and according to my tastes and the person who made the request, I'll ask to enjoy where it is edited, if they agree I have no problems with it.
      But it has always been this way.......
      I'm curious why you're asking me now... but I think I already know the reply.... ;)
      Thanks for the collaboration!

  58. Hi, Roby , i asked because you have a long list and i wanted to help, if it does help a little im glad. there are some i dident mention because there not completed. CAFE LATTE RHAPSODY,done by mafyland on dailymotion. HEY CLASS PRESIDENT, risa-chan on dailymotion. HANA TO USAGI, bimyou kun and darryl pentz on youtube. MUJIHI NA OTOKO AND MUJIHI NA KARADA,both are on fatedfujoshis blog. CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY VANILLA, by sarahtsuda on dailymotion. And HANA WA SAKUKA, done to part 28 by hime sama on youtube.

    1. Oh good! Thanks, it sure help me alot! I'll contact people who asked me these projects... anyway for HANA WA SAKUKA they told me it is avaible only from part 21/28.... where they can find others 1/20?

    2. I found animeChouChou or natsu on youtube for Hana Wa Saku Ka ,but i think its only 1 to 8. hime sama had them all but i think is acount were he had the first parts was deleted.

    3. p.s. when i was looking at your lists, i notice, cold blood and you, had Kimi Ga koi Ni Oboreru ;)

    4. You're a perfect assistant! Well, I know I purposely put a * close to drax's request (Kimi Ga koi Ni Oboreru), coz Cold Blood told me she wants to be the one granting that request! ;)

  59. If possible at all, I would like to make a request please. Can youp possibly edit P.Superstar 2 (if it does exist)? Onegai. XDXDXD

    1. Hello! sshouldn't you check if it exist before making the request?ahahhahah!
      Well, anyway P. Superstar is a complete manga and the main story is completely covered by the dramaCD and edited!
      There is a connected story anyway.. maybe you are referring to it (Shiny Star)? Well, that would be awesome! But I didn't find anything! SADLY! (cryng face).
      Awesome anyway! ;)

  60. I remember seeing a following chapter in Spanish however but can't remember if there was a drama cd or not. Oh well never mind, am sure you have lots of other amazing work for us yaoi lovers.

    1. Really?! Then waot I'll ask to Col Blood the one who edited that project and then answer to you ASAP! If in the while you find again that following chap (even if in spanish) pass me the link! I will try my best to check!
      About other works.. yeah we will focus on other requests a little more! ;)
      keep in touch!

    2. hurm... the drama cd has covered it all (complete vol 1) and the status of the manga is already complete (scanlations and all)..
      maybe it was the connected story..? cz its about the real hikaru... ^^ (but its not complete yet... >< )

  61. It was only an extra that I found, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFmPEbQNEfE

    Oh well, I got myself excited thinking there was a 2nd story, what a doughball I am.

    1. ouh that extra.. if i remember it well.. its about when he was mistaken as hikaru at hikaru's event, right..? (the real hikaru is missing.. ^^ ) but the extra is not covered in the drama cd.. >< (i never found them...)

      but hey.. dont say that.. cz who's not going to be excited if this cute baby got a 2nd story..? i know i WILL... ^^


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