Sunday, July 22, 2018


Ńēōň Ŝīġŋ ĂɱƄȅɍ M+CD

From Seraphic Deviltry:

An expressionless club doorman meets a flashy boy at one of the many parties the place gathers. As someone who’s always been considered quite boring or an emotionless person, Saya-chan with his clumsy personality will make this man a more vivid one.

Mangaka : Ogeretsu Tanaka
Release Date : 05/26/2017
 Hino Satoshi (Ogata) x Nakajima Yoshiki (Saya)

P.S. Helloooo minna! Long time no see? More than one month to my last release... Agh.. it never happened since I opened the blog... Gomen, more than one reason took me at such inactivity:
⚣busy with work
⚣had some friends from England hosted here at my house for 5 days ( so I was always out)
⚣re ups
⚣⚣and lazyass, oh! I already wrote it?!?! Hihihi 
Soooooo I have alot of enthusiasm in me (very inspired!).... I need to express it the sooner I can!!!! I have my new baby (as I said already in the fb group *you can join it right now right HERE* ... Thanks alot for all involved in this project! I was pretty happy (Im containing myself!!!) when I realized a drama cd was adapted for this one.... Among Ogeretsu sensei works, this is my favourite! I truly love the story... I will spare u from describing my reaction to it ok!??! Arent I kind!?!? I AM!!!!
Now, the blog is pretty stuck again, since +Cold Blood Kissy videos got flagged again and she lost 3 channels... but here to say we already have a PLAN B and we are working on it (we will keep u informed tho!), and if this would not be enough there will be PLAN C or D or E.... just to make people know that if some hater is surfing here, just stop with this crap! We dont hurt and we dont wanna be hurt neither! This is a blog full of love between men, gay relationships!, if this may disturb you, Im sorry but this is what I like... and I should be free to do what I want in the way I want since I dont harm, kill or insult anyone! You dont need to understand it or like it, u need to respect it. So if u could take your attention in something more constructive it would be awesome!
So said I will try posting regularly! (I hope!)

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